b'10 G rey HouseP ublishing Opinions Throughout HistoryOPINIONSOpinions Throughout History: Diseases & EpidemicsBEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! BEST SELLER! Emphasizes accumulated scientific knowledge worldwide in mastering disease to eradicate epidemics. Recommended for high-school and college-bound researchers, and for a general audience.-BooklistThe European explorers who later settled the New World brought the first pandemics to the American continents. Over the centuries since, there have been many epidemics and pandemics in the United States, some representing diseases that were originally carried to the continent by colonial settlers, and others brought later as Americans traveled abroad or engaged in warfare on foreign shores. Opinions Throughout History: Diseases & Epidemics traces the history of some of the most impactful diseases in human history, such as smallpox, measles, the bubonic plague, and HIV, and looks at how these viruses and bacterial plagues affected American politics and culture. The book also explores the rise and spread of the anti-vaccination and science skepticism movements and their relationship to American and global public health. The history of American diseases and epidemics is compared to the COVID-19 crisis, one of the deadliest pandemics in modern U.S. history, which has provided a clear example of how federal and state governments can help or hinder the international goal of stamping out disease.December 2020|719 pages|Hardcover|ISBN 978-1-64265-844-6|$195Includes Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House PlatformOpinions Throughout History: Drug Use & AbuseThe large font, wide margins and generous use of images will appeal to many readers. Recommended.ARBAThis volume of Opinions Throughout History provides a detailed history of the drugs that have garnered the most attention from the American public, beginning with the opium epidemic of the 1800s up to the opioid crisis of the present day. Issues discussed include media coverage of various drug epidemics, legislation, and the creation of such federal organizations as the FDA and the DEA. The role of physicians in prescribing potentially dangerous and addictive drugs to treat medical conditions and to treat addictions to other drugs is explored, as well as the often-unscrupulous marketing efforts of pharmaceutical companies. This volume tracks the changing national views on drug use with careful and considered analysis. Each chapter includes a valuable introduction and conclusion, a bulleted list of topics covered, a reprint of a particularly significant primary or secondary source document, detailed analysis and commentary of that document, images and photographs, and discussion questions.November 2018|719 pages|Hardcover|ISBN 978-1-68217-724-2|$195Includes Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House PlatformOpinions Throughout History: The EnvironmentA comprehensive overview of the environment. Highly Recommended.CHOICEOpinions Throughout History: The Environment highlights the overall momentum of developing public opinion around green thinking and environmental policy. From Smoky the Bear to Earth Day, this volume tracks public opinion from activists to boardrooms and considers an array of issues including public belief in or skepticism of climate science, the establishment of national parks and conservation areas and threats to their future, animal conservation, the environmental impact of energy independence, funding for environmental research, GMO policies and agribusiness, electric cars, and eco urban development. The Environment provides an essential resource for science and environmental research and an accessible commentary on one of the most complex and pressing issues of our day. Each chapter includes a valuable introduction and conclusion, a bulleted list of topics covered, a reprint of a significant primary or secondary source document, detailed analysis and commentary of that document, images and photographs, and discussion questions. February 2019|783 pages|Hardcover|ISBN 978-1-68217-953-6|$195Includes Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House PlatformOpinions Throughout History:GlobalizationThis volume explores the origins of global government from Colonial America to today, including pacts between countries, and the birth of formal diplomacy. It discusses how American citizens are affected by globalization, including the debate between wealthy coastal supporters and poorer detractors.The history and rise of nationalism are also analyzed, including the European debate over the future of a unified Europe. Readers will learn how globalized governments have grown to be necessary to the success of worldwide business and economies, and how the American public views this trend. Source documents include treaties, speeches, international legislation and agreements, and articles from todays most respected periodicals.August 2020|509 pages|Hardcover|ISBN 978-1-64265-476-9|$195 Includes Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House Platform(800) 562-2139 GET ONLINE ACCESS WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.greyhouse.com2024-315 Grey House 2025 Catalog.indd 10 2024-09-16 3:51PM'