b'14 G rey HouseP ublishing This is Who We WereThis is Who We Were provides the reader with a deeper understanding of day-to-day life in America during a particular decade. This popular series is sure to be of value as both a serious research tool for students of American history as well as an intriguing climb up Americas family tree. The richly-illustrated text provides an interesting way to study each HISTORYunique decade in American history. Personal Profiles: Over 25 in-depth Personal Profiles examine the lives of individuals andfamilies who lived during the decade. Each profile details life at home, at work, and in thecommunity. Profiles also include original tables from the Census, reprinted exactly as theyappeared during the decade covered. Historical Snapshots: This section includes lists of important firsts for America, fromtechnical advances and political events to new products and top-selling books. Combiningserious American history with fun facts, these snapshots present, in chronologicalcategories, an easy-to-read overview of what happened in that decade. Economy of the Times: This section looks at a wide range of economic data, includingfood, clothing, transportation, housing, and other selected prices, with reprints of actualadvertisements for products and services of the time. A fascinating look at the economicpicture of the time and how the engine that drives our economy has changed. All Around UsWhat We Saw, Wrote, Read & Listened To: This section includesProfiles of 34 families across thereprints of newspaper and magazine articles, letters, posters, and other items designedsocioeconomic spectrum take up half theto help the reader focus on what was on the minds of Americans in each decade. Thesebook, with descriptions of their lives at homeprinted pieces show how popular opinion was formed, and how American life was affectedand work and in their community. Shorterin each decade.middle sections provide context and include a listing of historic milestones, an economic Census Summary & Comparison Data: This section includes actual Census material,overview, and a collection of representativeincluding a comprehensive U.S. report that summarizes individual responses along with amedia. A substantial demographic analysis, drawing on U.S. census data, concludes theComparison of Principal Cities that charts over 26 population characteristics for many cities.work. VERDICT: AN ENGAGING SNAPSHOT FOR NOSTALGIA BUFFS AND SERIOUSThis dynamic series will benefit a wide range of academic and personal research and RESEARCHERS ALIKE. Library Journal curriculum needs. A truly unique and interesting look at what American life was like, these This TERRIFIC book looks at life in the volumes will be an important acquisition for high school, public and academic libraries, as well 1880s and 1890s by enabling the reader toas social science and history reference collections.understand the average American citizenwho went through, among other events,the industrial revolution, labor strikes,an influx of immigrants, and the growth of cities and the railroad This wonderfulstudy of what America was like in the 20 years leading up to the 20th century belongs in libraries with extensive holdings in social science and history. It will interest the individual scholar and general reader alike.Library JournalEach Volume IncludesFREE ONLINE ACCESSon the SALEM PRESS/ GREY HOUSE PLATFORM!(800) 562-2139 GET ONLINE ACCESS WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.greyhouse.com2024-315 Grey House 2025 Catalog.indd 14 2024-09-16 3:52PM'