b'32 G rey HouseP ublishing Health & Disability ResourcesThe Complete ResourceSEVENTEENTHEDITIONEDITION2025/26 SEVENTEENTH EDITIONGuide for People with Chronic THE COMPLETE RESOURCE GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITHIllness, 2025/26A must purchase for all hospital and health care libraries and is strongly recommended for all public library reference departments.ARBAA practical tool for librarians in public, academic, and medical libraries, and forhealth and social workers, physicians and patients seeking help. CHOICEThis is the place to start for general information on chronic illness HEALTHit contains the kind of information that any public library woulduse regularlyBooklistThis widely-hailed resource guide is structured around the 80 most prevalent chronic illnesses and providesa comprehensive overview of the support services and information resources available for people diagnosedwith a chronic illness. Condition Descriptions Research CentersAssociations Support GroupsPublications WebsitesThousands of hours of research have gone into this new edition. Each chronic illness chapter has beenreviewed by a medical editor to make sure the most up-to-date information on symptoms and treatments GREYHOUSEPUBLISHINGare included.Plus, weve added hundreds of new entries and updated thousands of existing entries withG R E Y H O U S E P U B L I S H I N Gthe latest information.Here is a sampling of the many disorders that are covered in this helpful volume: AsthmaCancerLiver DiseaseSleep Disorders ADHDCongenital Heart Disease Mental IllnessSubstance AbuseSTUDIES & STATISTICSAutistic Spectrum DisordersDown SyndromeObesityTick-Borne DiseasePRINTED IN FULL COLOR HypertensionSeizure DisordersWar SyndromesEach chronic illness has its own chapter and contains a brief description in laymans language followed by important resources for: National & Local Organizations State AgenciesNewslettersBooks & PeriodicalsLibraries & Research CentersSupport Groups & HotlinesWeb SitesWhether in print or online, this guidebook is an important resource for health care professionals, the collections of hospital and health care libraries, as well as an invaluable tool for people with a chronic illness and their support network.It is a must-have source for public libraries and consumer health collections of all sizes. 2025/26 Edition|May 2025|950 pages, 12,000 entries|Softcover|ISBN 979-8-89179-106-0|$165 Includes Two Years of Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House PlatformTHE COMPLETE RESOURCE GUIDE FOR 2025/26The Complete Resource GuideTHIRTEENTH EDITIONEDITIONTHIRTEENTH PediatricEDITIONfor Pediatric Disorders, 2025/26 DisordersA comprehensive, highly recommended resource for medical professionals and patients and those researching guides to resources for specific disorders. It is especially recommended for public and medical libraries. -ARBAThis comprehensive resource is designed to meet the growing consumer demands for current, understandable medical information on pediatric disorders and to provide an overview of the educational resources and support available for parents of children with such conditions. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for physician assistants, case workers, social workers, medical librarians, and other professionals who are dedicated to providing caregivers vital supportive services. This edition has been extensively updated with the latest treatment options and disorder information.Over 200 pediatric disorders are covered in this comprehensive resource. Disorder Descriptions Body Systems Descriptions Each disorder has its own chapter that begins with an easy-to-understand Description that details National & State Associations Web SitesClassification, Symptoms, Causes, and Standard Treatment Methods. Next, readers will find thousands of Support Groups Publicationsimportant Resources including National & State Agencies & Associations, Libraries, Research Centers,Research Centers Libraries & Resource CentersSupport Groups, Hotlines, Camps, Books, Periodicals, and more.GREYHOUSEPUBLISHINGThe volume also includes understandable Descriptions of 15 Major Bodily Systems, a helpful GlossaryG R E Y H O U S E P U B L I S H I N G of Terms, plus four Indexes: Disorder by Bodily System, Entry Name, Geographic, and Subject.The Complete Resource Guide for Pediatric Disorders provides immediate access to information crucial to families STUDIES & STATISTICS and caregivers who are coping with childrens illnesses and is a necessary addition to any reference collection.PRINTED IN FULL COLOR2025/26 Edition|March 2025|1,200 pages, 6,000 entries|Softcover|ISBN 979-8-89179-094-0|$165 Includes Two Years of Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House Platform(800) 562-2139 GET ONLINE ACCESS WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.greyhouse.com2024-315 Grey House 2025 Catalog.indd 32 2024-09-16 3:53PM'