b'2 G rey HouseP ublishing Opinions Throughout HistoryOPINIONSThis exciting series offers a wide range of insights into long-standing issues that Americans are most concerned about, and those that have encouraged vigorous debate among politicians and citizens at large. Using carefully-chosen original documents that follow the issue from the Colonial times to the present, Opinions Throughout History weaves a thoughtful and easy-to-understand analysis of how public opinion is formed and evolves, starting the discussion at a historical, seminal moment, and ending with where we stand today.Expert writers trace the path of public opinion on each topic, with each chapter providing insightful commentary on a selected primary or secondary source. Drawing from the popular press, key court and legislative battles, speeches, social activism, and opinion polls, Opinions Throughout History offers readers a variety of sources to highlight the overall momentum of developing public opinion on these perennial policy issues.Each volume is arranged into chronological chapters, so the reader can see how public opinion about the topic has changed over time. Each volume includes a wide rangeabout 30 in allof primary and secondary sources, including opinion essays, editorials, speeches, journal articles, court cases, and legislation. Documents are reprinted, entirely or excerpted, and supported by detailed narratives, thoughtful analysis, and insightful discussion questions.VOLUMES EDITED BY MICAH L. ISSITTSignificant Primary and Secondary Documents are the cornerstone of each chapter, which features:An informative Introduction that sets up the focus of the chapter,Sidebars that offer valuable background information; highlighting the primary source that is analyzed;Photos, cartoons, and posters to support the topic and provide funA list of Topics Covered in the chapter; and informative visuals; The Primary or Secondary Source Document, clearly indicatedA Conclusion that summarizes the chapter and reiterates main points; and fully cited;Discussion Questions to help guide further conversation and debateabout these current topics; andThoughtful Analysis, averaging 1,500 words, that digs into specificsections of the document;Works Used to make additional research easy.In addition, front matter of Opinions Throughout History includes a detailed Timeline of significant events that impacted policy and public opinion.Back matter includes an extensive Historical Snapshot that offers an interesting list of significant firstsevents, books, movies, legislation,trendsa snapshot of what was happening in the U.S. while public opinion was evolving, a Glossary of Terms related to the topic, and a Bibliography. A detailed Index closes each volume.Opinions Throughout History:Refugees &Asylum SeekersThe inscription on the Statue of Liberty reads Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, reflecting Americas role, during the golden age of immigration, as a refuge for those fleeing economic destitution, governmental oppression, and warfare. Over the centuries, the arrival of refugees and asylum seekers has been a controversial issue, and Americans are divided between the desire to lend humanitarian aid to those in need and the desire to withhold the benefits of American citizenship for the American born. Over the years, the political debate over Americas status as a refugee nation has also incorporated elements of race and racial prejudice as well as cultural xenophobia, and it has forced Americans to confront what characteristics are or should be considered part of Americas central ideology and identity. This volume of Opinions Throughout History looks at how our ideas about refugees and Americas status as an asylum country has changed over time.August 2024|600 pages|Hardcover|ISBN 978-1-63700-852-2|$195 Includes Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House PlatformPRINTED INFULL COLOR(800) 562-2139 GET ONLINE ACCESS WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.greyhouse.com2024-315 Grey House 2025 Catalog.indd 2 2024-09-16 3:51PM'