b"Weiss Ratings Guide to Life & Annuity InsurersF inancialR atingsS eries FINANCIAL STRENGTH RATINGS OF 800 LIFE & ANNUITY INSURERSThe value in this guide is that it interprets the data and Guide to Life anddevelops ratios and indexes that the reader must compare to norms. This resource is highly recommended for insurance Annuity Insurerscollections in special libraries, medium and large public A Quarterly Compilation of Insurance Company Ratings and Analyseslibraries, and medium and large academic libraries. ARBA SPRING 2025 Weiss Ratings Guide to Life & Annuity Insurers provides independent, unbiased ratings on the financial strength of 800 life and annuity insurers, including companies providing life insurance, annuities, guaranteed investment contracts (GICs) and other pension products. Updated quarterly in print and monthly online to providethe latest data Index of Companiesprovides letter-grade ratings, totalassets, capital & surplus, risk-adjusted capital, 5-yearprofitability index, stability index and factors, net premiums,and mortgage information Analysis of Largest Companiesprovides added detail,G R E Y H O U S E P U B L I S H I N G graphs and charts, with letter-grade ratings, major ratingfactors, contact information, historical data and more Recommended Companiesorganized alphabetically and by320 pages | Softcover | $279 Single Issue state, to make it easy to pick the best companies to work with$549 Annual Subscription (4 issues)Index of Companies by Rating & Rating UpgradesWinter 2024/25: 979-8-89179-256-2& DowngradesSpring 2025: 979-8-89179-257-9 Four Appendices: State Guaranty Associations, Risk-AdjustedSummer 2025: 979-8-89179-258-6Capital, Recent Industry Failures and GlossaryFall 2025: 979-8-89179-259-3 Available in print and online database formatsAlso available for subscription online A life insurance policy or annuity is only as secure as the insurance company issuing it. This guide is perfect for those who are CALL (800) 562-2139considering the purchase of a life insurance policy, placing money TO GET A PRICEin an annuity, or advising clients about insurance and annuities, QUOTE FOR and will be a valued resource for public libraries of all sizes.ONLINE ACCESSSample Pages: Ratings Guide to BanksWinter 2022-23 II. Weiss Ratings Recommended Banks by State Ratings Guide to Health InsurersIllinoisName Telephone Name TelephonePetefish, Skiles & Co. (217) 452-3041Rating: A+ Providence Bank & Trust (708) 333-0700 Spring 2022 II. Analysis of Largest CompaniesAMG National Trust Bank (303) 694-2190 Quad City Bank and Trust Co. (563) 344-0600 EL PASO FIRST HEALTH PLANS INC * A- ExcellentFirst Eagle Bank (312) 850-2900 Republic Bank of Chicago (630) 570-7700 Major Rating Factors:Strong capitalization index (8.1 on a scale of 0 to 10) Total Net NetSignature Bank (847) 268-1001 based on excellent current risk-adjusted capital (severe loss scenario). High Data RACR RACR Assets Capital Premium IncomeRating: A Southern Bank (573) 778-1800 quality investmentportfolio (9.7).Excellentliquidity(7.4) withample operational Date Rating #1 #2 ($mil) ($mil) ($mil) ($mil)Crossroads Bank (217) 347-7751 State Bank of Texas (972) 252-6000 cashflowand liquid investments. overall profitability index (6.4). Good overall 6-21 A- 2.23 1.86 102.7 42.8 118.4 4.4Other Rating Factors:Good Farmers National Bank (815) 537-2348 The Bradford National Bank of Greenville (618) 664-2200 resultsonstabilitytests(5.3). 6-20 B1.79 1.49 57.1 36.0 105.7 7.0Germantown Trust & Savings Bank (618) 526-4202 The Central Trust Bank (573) 634-1302 Principal Business: Medicaid (95%), comp med (5%) 2020 A- 2.83 2.36 78.9 53.2 233.4 22.4Mem Phys: 20: N/A 19: 1,945 20 MLR 78.5% / 20 Admin Exp N/A 2019 B+ 2.27 1.90 64.4 44.8 205.0 0.5Goodfield State Bank (309) 965-2221 The Fisher National Bank (217) 897-1136 Enroll(000): Q2 21: 88 20: 83 19: 71 Med Exp PMPM: $200 2018 B+ 2.42 2.02 61.7 45.4 196.2 0.1Heartland Bank and Trust Co. (309) 662-4444 The Peoples State Bank of Newton, Illinois (618) 783-2321 Principal Investments: Cash and equiv (92%),real estate (8%) 2017 A- 2.55 2.12 60.5 45.6 190.3 8.5Lindell Bank & Trust Co. (314) 645-7700 Town and Country Bank (217) 787-3100 Provider Compensation ($000):Contr fee ($153,165), capitation ($21,207), 2016 A- 2.20 1.83 60.3 42.5 201.0 8.6bonusarrang ($4,083)Municipal Trust and Savings Bank (815) 935-8000 Union National Bank (847) 888-7500 Total Member Encounters: Phys (509,597), non-phys (106,340)Park Ridge Community Bank (847) 384-9200 Vermilion Valley Bank (815) 686-2258 Group Affiliation: None Rating IndexesLicensed in: TXRoyal Business Bank (213) 627-9888 10Address: 1145 westmoreland drive, El Paso,Sterling Bank (573) 778-3333 Rating: B+ Phone: (915) 298-7198 Dom State: TX Commenced Bus: N/ATeutopolis State Bank (217) 857-3166 Albany Bank & Trust Co., N.A. (773) 267-7300 5The Bank of Advance (573) 722-3517 Apple River State Bank (815) 594-2351The Federal Savings Bank (312) 738-6000 Bank of Hope (213) 639-1700 0 Range Cap. 2 Stab. Inv. Prof. Liq.Town and Country Bank Midwest (217) 222-0015 Bank of O'Fallon (618) 632-3595 Weak Fair Good StrongRating: A- Bank of Pontiac (815) 844-6155BankChampaign, N.A. (217) 351-2870 ELAN INSURANCE USVI INC E+ Very WeakAllied First Bank, SB (630) 554-8899 BMO Harris Bank N.A. (312) 461-2323 Major Rating Factors:Good overall profitability index (5.9 on a scale of 0 to Total Net NetAmerican Community Bank & Trust (815) 338-2300 Buena Vista National Bank (618) 826-2331 10).Strong capitalization (8.1) based on excellentcurrentrisk-adjusted capital Data RACR RACR Assets Capital Premium Income(severe lossscenario).High quality investmentportfolio (9.6). Date Rating #1 #2 ($mil) ($mil) ($mil) ($mil)Armed Forces Bank, N.A. (913) 682-9090 Byline Bank (773) 244-7000 Other Rating Factors: Excellentliquidity(7.6) withample operational cash flowBank of Rantoul (217) 892-2143 CBI Bank & Trust (563) 263-3131 and liquid investments. 9-20 E+ 2.25 1.88 6.5 4.2 7.6 0.2Bankers' Bank (608) 833-5550 CIBC Bank USA (312) 564-2000 Principal Business: Comp med (99%) 9-19 E+ 2.33 1.94 4.2 2.8 7.5 0.1Mem Phys: 19: 1,844 18: 861 19 MLR 71.2% / 19 Admin Exp N/A 2019 E+ 2.15 1.79 5.7 4.0 9.9 0.3Belmont Bank & Trust Co. (773) 589-9500 CIBM Bank (217) 355-0900 Enroll(000): Q3 20: 2 19: 2 18: 2 Med Exp PMPM: $290 2018 B2.26 1.88 4.1 2.7 6.7 0.0Burling Bank (312) 408-8400 Citibank, N.A. (605) 370-6261 Principal Investments:Cash and equiv (90%), nonaffiliate common stock 2017 N/A N/A N/A 2.5 1.5 4.0 N/ACitizens Community Bank (618) 566-8800 (6%),long-termbonds(3%) 2016 N/A N/A N/A 2.3 0.7 1.9 N/ABusey Bank (217) 351-6500 Provider Compensation ($000):FFS ($6,993)Cathay Bank (213) 625-4791 Community Bank of Trenton (618) 224-9258 Total Member Encounters: Phys(3,737),non-phys (517) 2015 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ACatlin Bank (217) 427-2176 Community First Bank of the Heartland (618) 244-3000 Group Affiliation: ElanInsuranceGroupInc Rating IndexesCentral Bank Illinois (309) 944-5601 Community State Bank (309) 932-8181 Licensed in: (No states) 10 ratings@greyhouse.com https://greyhouse.weissratings.com (800) 562-2139 10Address: 8168 Crown Bay Marina Suite 50, St. Thomas, VI 00802-5819Commerce Bank (855) 659-1656 Farmers State Bank (217) 285-5585 Phone: (305) 890-1544 Dom State: VI Commenced Bus: N/ACommunity Bank (815) 367-5011 Farmers State Bank of Western Illinois (309) 629-4361 5Community Bank of Easton (309) 562-7420 Fidelity Bank & Trust (563) 557-2300Evergreen Bank Group (630) 413-95802024-408 Weiss Financial Ratings Catalog 2025.indd 9 Fifth Third Bank, N.A. ofCentral Illinois,S.B. (513) 579-5203 0 Range Cap. 2 Stab. Inv. Prof. Liq. 2024-11-15 2:20PMFirstBank (314) 995-8700 FirstFederal S&L Assn. (217) 774-3322FirstFinancial Bank (513) 832-6300 FirstFinancial Bank,N.A. (812) 238-6000 Weak Fair Good StrongFirstNational Bank (605) 482-8293 FirstMerchants Bank (765) 747-1500Gold CoastBank (312) 587-3200 FirstNational Bank ofBrookfield (708) 485-2770 ELDERPLAN INC C+ FairGrand Ridge National Bank (815) 249-6414 FirstNational Bank ofOmaha (402) 602-3021 MajorRatingFactors: Excellent profitability(9.5 on a scale of 0 to 10). Strong Total Capital Net Netcapitalization index (8.2) based on excellent current risk-adjusted capital Data RACR RACR Assets Premium IncomeHanmi Bank (213) 382-2200 FirstNational Bank ofPana (217) 562-3961 (severe lossscenario).High quality investmentportfolio (9.8). Date Rating #1 #2 ($mil) ($mil) ($mil) ($mil)Illini State Bank (815) 442-8211 FirstSouthern Bank (618) 997-4341 Other Rating Factors: Excellent overall results on stability tests (7.9). 6-21 C+ 2.28 1.90 423.0 211.0 560.5 12.0Excellentliquidity(7.2) withample operational cashflowand liquid investmentsKinmundy Bank (618) 547-3533 First State Bank (815) 538-2265 PrincipalBusiness: Medicaid (84%),Medicare (16%) 6-20 C+ 1.60 1.33 324.5 160.5 631.4 22.8Lakeside Bank (312) 435-5100 FirstState Bank ofCampbell Hill (618) 426-3396 MemPhys:20: N/A 19: 28,281 20 MLR 81.6% / 20Admin Exp N/A 2020 C+ 2.16 1.80 372.7 200.2 1,188.4 56.3Liberty Bank (217) 645-3434 Flanagan State Bank (815) 796-2264 Enroll(000):Q2 21: 26 20: 26 19: 27 Med Exp PMPM: $3,091 (38%), 2019 C+ 1.39 1.16 279.6 139.1 1,214.7 34.9Principal Investments: Cash and equiv (54%), long-term bonds 2018 C 1.10 0.92 256.3 101.2 1,081.6 21.2PeopleFirstBank (815) 207-6200 nonaffiliate common stock(8%) 2017 C 0.90 0.75 224.6 80.5 968.3 20.2ProviderCompensation($000): FFS ($908,784), contrfee($53,360),207 capitation($22,625) 2016 C- 0.73 0.60 189.7 56.6 843.5 5.6www.weissratings.com TotalMemberEncounters: Phys(80,491),non-phys(54,605)Group Affiliation: None Rating IndexesLicensedin: NYAddress: 6323 seventh ave,Brooklyn, 10Phone: (718) 921-7990 DomState: NY CommencedBus: N/A50Range Cap. 2 Stab. Inv. Prof. Liq.Weak Fair Good Strongwww.weissratings.com 133 *Denotes a WeissRatings RecommendedCompany"