The Mental Health Resource Guide Review
‐ Doody’s Book Reviews
“…this directory provides users with reliable and timely information in an easily navigable format. The book begins with an introduction and table of contents followed by a 40-page report, The State of Mental Health in America 2016, State Mental Health Legislation 2015, the Bill of Rights for Children's Mental Health Disorders and Their Families, and a list of mental disorders by category (cognitive disorders, psychotic disorders, etc.). There is also a user's guide followed by a user's key. The remainder of the nearly 600-page book is divided into eight sections: Disorders; Associations & Organizations; Government Agencies; Professional and Support Services; Publishers; Facilities; Clinical Management; and Pharmaceutical Companies. There are three indexes: "Disorder Index," "Entry Index," and "Geographic Index." This is followed by one appendix, "Drugs A-Z, by Brand Name." The indexes refer to entry numbers in the book, which are clearly marked. The 21 chapters in the first section, Disorders, begin with a description of the disorder (such as stress disorder, anxiety disorder, or suicide) followed by an alphabetic listing of such resources as associations & agencies, books, and websites. Details for each listing can include contact information, the name of the founder or director, a brief description, and more. This book gathers an enormous amount of information in one place, saving professionals and caregivers valuable time. The title is also available at Recommended for academic, medical, and public libraries.”
“This will be a helpful addition to public, academic, and medical libraries… Even in this digital age, a print directory may still be the quickest and easiest way to get at the kinds of information this book provides.”
‐Doody’s Book Reviews
“Filled with straightforward explanations and lists of support groups and specialists, this one‐stop professional‐help resource will prove valuable to patients and their relatives and to medical professionals.”
‐Library Journal
“Touted as ‘a comprehensive source book for individuals and professionals,’ this directory is a thorough, well‐organized resource for information on all aspects of mental health … An authoritative, comprehensive tool for any reference desk, this valuable resource is highly recommended.”
–Library Journal
“The strength of this directory is that it consolidates widely dispersed information into a single volume. Public libraries and libraries specializing in health information would find this a useful purchase.”
“…Written for psychiatric professionals as well as patients and their families, this directory describes disorders and lists books, web sites, associations, support groups, companies involved with accreditation, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and research centers… Valuable for any hospital, academic, or public library.”