America's Top-Rated Cities
-ARBA, 2018
“America’s Top Rated Cities provides the most current, comprehensive statistical information about 100 American cities. This is highly recommended for university libraries, public libraries, and business libraries to use for college graduates looking for jobs, senior citizens looking for places to retire, or for businesses seeking to relocate.”
“For individuals or businesses looking to relocated, this resource conveniently reports rankings from more than 300 sources for the top 100 cities with populations of at least 95,000…Summing Up: Recommended.”
“This is a concise, current statistical resource… This is an excellent source to consult for information on relocation of a business or family… Recommended for all public, academic, and special libraries.”
-Library Journal
“…the strength of the set is that it pulls this information together into one easy-to-use, authoritative product.”
“This is the most comprehensive compilation of statistics on cities available… Market researchers will also find the data compiled here a concise, quick and current source. Highly recommended for business libraries serving the public and academic libraries with marketing students looking for data on cities. The price is very reasonable for the convenience of having these statistics gathered together in a very usable format.”
-Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship
“…This outstanding work selects and profiles…US cities for superior business and living conditions…charts and tables accompanied by brief essays provide city portraits, emphasizing such factors as cost of living, finances, education, taxes, population, employment, earnings, major employers, climate, crime, and air and water quality…While this data exists elsewhere in periodical reports, government statistics, reference books, and web sites, Garoogian brings them together in one useful, handy source. Recommended for public and academic libraries.”
“Users who are thinking of relocating to a different city, or individuals who would like to see if their businesses have the possibility of thriving in a new location will find that this provides valuable information that could help them in the decision-making process. This resource is suitable for large public libraries, academic libraries whose institutions include business schools, business libraries, and corporate libraries.”
“America’s Top Rated Cities is an excellent source for those wanting to learn more about a particular city or relocating a family or business. It covers a wide range of governmental. Demographic, social, environmental, and economic characteristics, all in a well-organized and easy to navigate format.”
-Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship