R.R. Bowker's El-Hi Textbooks & Serials in Print
2025 Edition
El-Hi Textbooks & Serials in Print, now in its 153rd Edition, is the go-to source for bibliographic information on the thousands of elementary, junior high, and high school textbooks published or distributed in the United States. This two-volume, 3,315-page edition offers users immediate access to over 195,000 titles from over 17,000 U.S. publishers.
This new edition is a vital resource for any librarian with K-12 students, educators, or education professionals as patrons. This reference tool allows users to track down any K-12 textbook or serial—even hard-to-find titles from small presses. With so many titles, publishers, wholesalers, and distributors all in one consolidated source, finding the key information patrons need to track down this many titles has never been easier.
Just as in previous years, 2025's El-Hi Textbooks & Serials in Print is separated into two large volumes—the first for categorization by Textbook Subject and Textbook Author, and the second for categorization by Textbook Title, Textbook Series, Serial Subject, Serial Title, Publisher Name, and Wholesaler/Distributor Name. All indexes are presented alphabetically, then numerically, ensuring effortless research for the user.
Volume I begins with a special “How to Use” guide, which includes enlarged sample entries for all indexes. Next come lists of Abbreviations, Country Codes, Language Codes, and Currency Codes, making sure users can quickly and efficiently navigate this guide.
Following these introductory materials in Volume I is the Textbook Subject Index. Each entry in this index is classified by subject and is listed in the appropriate section or sections either by title or under its series name. Listings in the Subject Index include definitive bibliographic information about each book, including: title, series affiliation (if any), author, co-author, editor, co-editor, translator, illustrator, grade, publication date, education level, binding, price, related supplementary materials, ISBN, imprint, and publisher. Following this index is the Textbook Author Index, which includes the names of each author, editor, or translator and the title of the textbook, with page references to complete information in the Textbook Subject Index.
Volume II contains the same introductory materials as Volume I, with the addition of lists of Document Suppliers, Micropublishers & Distributors, Reprint Services, Wire Services, and Abstracting & Indexing Services. Next comes the Textbook Title Index, which contains every title or series listed in Volume I, with page references to the Subject Index. Following this is the Textbook Series Index, containing full bibliographic information on more than 3,800 series, all arranged under main subject areas.
The Serial Subject Index comes next, with over 5,000 entries for selected current serials published periodically or irregularly, followed by the Serial Title Index, which contains information about each entry’s: title, ISSN, country code, and name of issuing body, as well as cross-references to the Serial Subject Index.
The Publisher Name Index follows, with complete bibliographic information for each company, including: company name, ISBN prefix(es), business affiliation, ordering and/or editorial address(es), Standard Address Number(s), imprint(s), and contact information. The Wholesaler & Distributor Name Index comes last, with each entry containing information about each entry’s: company name, business affiliation, ISBN prefix(es), Standard Address Number(s), and contact information.
For 150 consecutive years, R.R. Bowker’s El-Hi Textbooks & Serials in Print has served as a top-shelf resource for libraries and education reference collections around the country, compiling need-to-know data on the in-print titles of textbook publishers, as well as other related materials. With over 195,000 titles on file, this updated resource is a must for anybody in need of K-12 education materials.