b'26 G rey HouseP ublishing Health & WellnessAttention DisordersSTUDIES & STATISTICSPRINTED IN FULL COLORHandbook & Resource Guide FIRST EDITIONATTENTIONThis brand-new entry in the Grey House Health & Wellness series is designed to bring together important,need-to-know information for those living with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).DISORDERSResearch estimates approximately 6.1 million children and 4 percent of adults are affected by ADHD. The three types of ADHD are:Handbook & Resource GuideHyperactive and impulsive type ADHD: Characterized by symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. I nattentive type ADHD: Characterized by symptoms of inattention and distractibility. This was formerlyreferred to as ADD or attention-deficit disorder; andCombined type ADHD: The most prevalent type of ADHD, characterized by inattention and distractibilityHEALTHin addition to hyperactivity and impulsivity. For those providing support to individuals with ADHD, this resource provides easy-to-understand and helpfulinformation and connects readers to many sources of knowledge and assistance. The Attention DisordersHandbook & Resource Guide offers statistics, both national and state, as well as discussions about treatmentand outcomes, and includes details on the major types of ADHD: impulsive/hyperactive, inattentive anddistractable, and combined.Studies & Statistics About ADHD: This four-color section is more than 300 pages and includes detailed reports, maps, graphs and tables from sources such as the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health. Coverage is current, comprehensive, GREYHOUSEPUBLISHING and discusses the prevalence of ADHD in children and adults, causes, treatments, and co-existing conditions.Grey House Health & Wellness GuidesADHD Resources: This section includes information on ADHD generally, applicable to both children andadults. An informative description is given, followed by a variety of resources for patients, their families, peers, and caregivers. Co-occurring Conditions: This section details numerous specific conditions that also commonly affect individuals with ADHD, with detailed descriptions on eachcondition and informative resources for readers.Additional sections include a Glossary, Entry Index, and Geographic Index.The Attention Disorders Handbook & Resource Guide is a necessary reference for public and academic libraries, as well as health care collections, providing information crucial to those living with ADHD, their broader support network, case workers, social workers, and other education and health care providers.First Edition|July 2024|One Volume, 619 pages|Hardcover|ISBN 979-8-89179-063-6|$165Includes Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House PlatformThe Autism Spectrum FIRST EDITIONHandbook & Resource GuideAn excellent resource for parents and professionals alike.It contains a wealth of information regarding ASD. Readers will not be disappointed by this book.Doodys ReviewsThis volume is carefully crafted to compile vital and reliable information for the millions of individuals, family members, and caregivers affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This resource provides accessible and helpful information about ASD, including many sources of support, and national and state statistics, as well as discussions about treatment and outcomes. The Autism Spectrum Handbook & Resource Guide includes details on autism, as well as on a range of conditions that often accompany ASD, including gastrointestinal (GI) problems, epilepsy, feeding issues, disrupted sleep, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. This volume includes the following sections: Section One: Studies & Statistics: This robust, colorful section of 250 pages includes detailed reports,fact sheets, maps, checklists, and growth charts from a number of sources, including the Centers forDisease Control and the National Institutes of Health. Section Two: Resources for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): This section details a variety of resources for patients, families, and caregivers, including major autism-related associations, agencies, foundations, research centers, and more. Section Three: Related Conditions: This section includes 15 conditions that are considered to commonly co-occur with ASD. Overviews detail the conditions themselves, how they relate to ASD, andboth common and cutting-edge treatment options.The Autism Spectrum Handbook & Resource Guide is a necessary reference for public and academic STUDIES & STATISTICS libraries, health care and education collections, providing information crucial to individuals with autism,PRINTED IN FULL COLOR their broader support network, caseworkers, social workers, health care providers and educators.First Edition|October 2022|One Volume, 438 pages|Hardcover|ISBN 978-1-63700-158-5|$165Includes Free Online Access on the Salem Press/Grey House Platform(800) 562-2139 GET ONLINE ACCESS WITH YOUR PRINT BUY! www.greyhouse.com2024-449 Grey House Spring 2025 Catalog.indd 26 2025-01-15 1:48PM'